Position Desc.

Position Desc.

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February 2, 2021



·       Provide leadership for the club in developing, guiding, and promoting an enjoyable environment and activities for the membership.

·       Prepare and distribute a Board Meeting agenda prior to each Board Meeting.

·       Chair Board Meetings.

·       Start meetings on time; bring them to order.

·       Conduct General Meetings.

·       Delegate jobs/projects to the appropriate Board or general member.

·       Appoint committees as needed.

·       Assist in coordinating special projects.

·       Assist Board members with their duties.

·       Contact the Sergeant at Arms before the Board meeting to discuss the evening’s program.

·       Organize Joint Board Transition Meeting for outgoing and incoming Board members which includes meeting with each Board member within the first month of being in office to review Position Description, expectations and timelines associated with responsibilities.

·       Request (by announcement, email, or the newsletter) at least two (2) months before an upcoming election that the Board is looking for interested people to participate on the Board.

·       Appoint the Candidates’ Search Committee.

·       Assume signature authority on the Club bank account.

·       Assume the Treasurer’s duties in the Treasurer’s absence.

·       Assure that the club mailbox is checked as required.



·       Become a candidate for President unless otherwise determined by the Board.

·       Becomes familiar with the functions of Club Officers the club bylaws and policies.

·       Act as chair of the Candidates’ Search Committee.

·       Plan, organize and run the annual Pray for Snow Brunch.

·       Serve as the President in their absence.

·       Perform other responsibilities as determined necessary by the President.



·       Record and distribute current Board Minutes via e-mail prior to the next Board Meeting.

·       Prepare general correspondence, thank you notes and other communications.

·       Furnish copies of the bylaws for new Board members.

·       Provide electronic copies of all Club documents to the incoming Secretary.

·       Maintain all correspondence, including agendas and meeting minutes.



·       Maintain all financial records of the Club. 

·       This involves accepting deposits presented in an acceptable manner on an approved receipt form from many different sources (checks, cash, credit card charges), properly entering the figures into the general ledger.

·       Disburse funds to cover the expenses of the Club upon receipt of the club reimbursement form or other proper documentation. The primary disbursement document is the Club check, but when necessary, the Treasurer will use their personal credit card to make a payment related to a ski trip expense which must be paid while on the trip. In their absence, the Ski Trip Director will use theirs.

·       Balance the Club bank accounts monthly and prepare a financial report for the Board of Directors’ Meeting.

·       The Treasurer will review all contracts and if acceptable, will sign-off on it in addition to the appropriate Director.

·       Prepare a year-end financial report for the Club. Maintain financial records in a format suitable for transfer to new Treasurer.

·       Submit electronically to the NM Secretary of State web site the updated Board information by September 15th of each year. The information includes the Board members name, address, and phone number.  The registered agents name is maintained in their records.  A registration fee is due and paid by the Club debit card when the report is filed.

·       File the annual Federal 990N report by September 15th.  The “N” report is an electronic notice to the IRS.  Check the IRS publication if the revenue exceeds $50,000 on the proper form.

·       Leave checks and deposit slips with the President when the Treasurer will be unavailable for an extended period.

·       Pick up the mail from the Club mailbox.  The mail should be picked up at least twice weekly during the ski season and at least once weekly during the rest of the year. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Ski Trip Director or Membership Director may pick up the mail.

·       Keep all Club financial reports and Governmental records for a period of seven (7) years.  These materials should be passed on to the next Treasurer.


Director Responsible for Membership

·       Maintain detailed membership records to include a current roster.

·       Ensure that all member’s application information is protected.

·       Initiate efforts to recruit new members.

·       Accept, process, and collect dues in conjunction with the Treasurer for new and renewal applications.

·       Provide all new and renewal members with a completed Sitzmarkers membership card.

·       Report membership status monthly to the Board.

·       Inform Email Director of new members as they sign up.


Director Responsible for Ski Trips

·    Propose ski trip destinations and dates to the Board for review and approval by the June Board meeting.

·    Designate Ski Trip Leader(s) for specific trip(s) with Board concurrence.

·       Plan, organize, and run all Club sponsored ski trips which includes lodging, compiling roommate configurations, meals, lift tickets, transportation, and opportunities for changing facilities for the final day of the ski trip. (Changing facilities could be designated late check out rooms, or other options at the ski site.)

·       Maintain communications with ski trip participants; including collection of payments.

·       Summarize and submit trip payments for deposit to the Treasurer.

·       Coordinate contractual obligations with the Treasurer, keeping the President advised of such obligations while serving as designee.

·       Present to the Board expected total and per skier costs for each trip by the August Board meeting. Keep the Board informed of changes in plans and or costs and how changes affect the costs of the trip and or impact on the financial results.

·       Prepare final ski trip financial reports for the Board.

·       Coordinate trips with other ski clubs as appropriate.

·       Develop and maintain a separate email communications list (using a Sitzmarker-established email address) consisting of past and current ski trip participants, including those from other clubs or nonmembers.

·       Be responsible for promoting the trip through a variety of means including but not limited to within the Club, ski promotion events and social media opportunities. Inform the Board of promotional efforts and coordinates efforts with other Board members.


Director Responsible for Email Communications

·       E-mails members information and activity announcements as requested by the Board.

·       Ensures that the members e-mail addresses are protected.

·       Sends out newsletter in a timely manner.

·       Designates a backup person to perform email duties in their absence.

·       Periodic reconciliation of email distribution list with the current membership list provided by the Board Member Responsible for Membership.


Director Responsible for Newsletter

·       Maintains calendar of events for publication in newsletter and website.

·       Solicits articles and photos for publication.

·       Edits articles and photos for publication.

·       Creates a digital newsletter once per month for email distribution to all members.



·       Plan and reserve location and programs (speakers, activities, etc.) for all General Meetings throughout the year.

·       Negotiate cost for meeting rooms and inform the Executive Committee of any fees associated with meeting places and programs and obtain approval if the fees exceed a pre-established threshold.

·       Communicate General Meeting information to the membership by providing Newsletter editor and/or E-mail coordinator with appropriate and timely messages.

·       Serve as ready reference on the Sitzmarker bylaws to assist the orderliness of motion processing. This duty includes developing a thorough knowledge of the bylaws and having a current copy of them at each Board meeting as a ready reference.

·       Gather and control items placed in the official club repository box. This includes, but is not limited to, copies of Original Club Charter, current signed bylaws, passwords, and extra keys.

·       Upon the establishment of the newly elected Board, ensure the above secured items will be inventoried and transferred to the appropriate incoming Sergeant at Arms.

·       Arrange for the conduct of a club raffle at meetings in lieu of special events or guest presenters as appropriate.



·       Arrange for location of events and coordinate with host or business providing facility.

·       Plan and conduct approximately one social function or special event each month.

·       Create publicity for event and for inclusion in Newsletter and E-mail.  Publicity will often include a map to the event site.

·       If needed for an event, plan for:

- Food and serving dishes

- Beverages and necessary coolers and ice

- Flatware, plates, cups, napkins and serving items

- Tables, chairs

·       Arrange for cleanup of event site, if required.

·       Assist, when appropriate, for setup for outdoor meetings with food and beverages.

·       Submit financial reports for each event to the Treasurer.

·       Assign a person or committee to plan, organize and run special events (such as water ski weekend, car rally, camping, etc.).  The coordinator will give report to events’ director.


Director Responsible for Club Web Site

·       Update the Sitzmarkers website www.nmsitzmarkers.org  at least monthly or as soon as new events are announced.

·       Collect pictures from Club events and post to the web site as appropriate.

·       Respond to website inquiries and forward to appropriate Officers.

·       Attend to matters with the internet service provider.

·       See that the annual site fee is paid.

·       Ensure that the Sitzmarkers Website is only used for official Club business.

·       Arrange for backup in an absence.


Director Responsible for Social Media and Marketing

·       Work to implement a social media program that would work with other board positions, such as Membership and Ski Trips.

·       Ensure that upcoming club events and ski trips are publicized in social media employed by the club.

·       Maintain awareness of current social media avenues which may be beneficial to the club.

·       Make recommendations on the use of social media to the Board.



In addition to the above duties, each Board member is responsible to

·       Delegate responsibility to assistants and/or committees when appropriate.

·       See that all information to be published is turned over to the Newsletter editor in a timely manner and includes dates, times, map etc.

·       Participate in the “Greeting Committee” (greet new members and introduce them to others).

·       Make announcements at General Meetings when appropriate.

·       Protect membership information.

·       Perform Board Responsibilities using only official Sitzmarkers resources.

·          Designate another Board member to perform their duties in their absence.